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Friday, January 9, 2009
♥ I Love You ♥

Went to school today and went straight away to bandrm...
Haha. Then went to put my bag Noraini & Afiqah in class.
Then so stayed at bandrm awhile then pei toing go cope
TISSUE PAPER!!! XD then we went to the staff toilet.
then say the big roll of toilet paper,
toing started to pull the toilet paper...
Then i don't know why I said that:"
Aiiya just take the whole roll luh..."
I don't even believe that I just said a so auntie thing luh.
Omg. then brought it to bandrm. everybody saying I siao ==
LOL. then after that went to parade square for assenbly
then went back to bandrm to wait for the 4 classes of sec 1s.
hmm... seems like its very fun though. Don't know why toing
say that its very sienxz. Actually I don't well sienxz
but I feel like very fun! haha what ever you say they listen 
to you haha xD then saw dominic when his class came.
Damn cute sia haha xD then he come and try the horn ==
When he know that if he can play trumpet also can play
horn one mah... == so still let him try loh then I give him the
lame face and he laughed == so after all the auditioning...
Me, toing, noraini, afiqah and annpei went to mac to eat
then I ate mcspicy can't eat finish coz TOO SPICY T^T.
wasted. haizzz. then went back and full band.
Nearly late phew~ then after that played overture 2
without the sec 4s then like around 4 plus? they came bak.
lucky. == then this andy keep zi siao me. ==
so I sat nearer to peiyun then saw chin leong's sister LOL
really don't look like chin leong loh ==
His sister like so gu niang budden her brother haiz ==
then went home early coz gt tuition. haizzzz.
before going home, Mrs Seah talked to me..
Really make me feel more blur dunno what to do...
do this also canot do that also cannot. dunno luh...
haizzz... then went home for tuition already loh .
then bathed then come blog.. so later going to do 
school assignment I don't know why but
I got this feeling that I must do I must do...
So just do loh. so thats all for today :D byebye!

Today's feeling: Damn happy. :D

Single Life Rox,
6:50 AM

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
♥ I Love You ♥

Gt miss me????? Haha. Joking only lah.
Hmm... today had a normal wednesday.
Had a tiring P.E. with Mr ONG~!
Oh my... make us run T^T then same P.E.
with LimShiZheng(Listen) && TohYingYing(Toing)
the brackets are when you say their full name fast fast
then LimShiZheng become listen ==
TohYingYing will become toing ==
TanSiPing(myself) will become Dustbin ==
WongHanXuan will become Washing ==
LOL. Lastly for Mabel special only make
Yeo Kai Zhen then will become Yo ka cheng! (Yo backside)
LOL. hers damn funny. then after PE headed back to 
classroom because we knw that canteen sure alot of people
then stil need to line up for food. So after recess had MTL.
then after that VE then after that physics.
Omg the teacher come in then started scolding a guy in our class.
scold dunno i think for half and hour. then after that started lesson
i nearly went asleep man == my eyes was clocing but luckily
she gave us 5 mins break I was like the first one to put
my head down and fall asleep so easily. Then after school
finally went to eat. then after that headed to band room for briefing.
then like around 5 something, me, shizheng,hanxuan,yingying
went to the Meltz ice-cream shop. to eat ice-cream.
then suddenly shizheng an hanxuan talk sick things until 
they say I laugh until my face and ears are red like tomato ==
I laugh until I cry man. T^T I dunno why...
Then after that went back to band room,
hanxuan started to be kana raped then followed by hazmei,
then followed by shizheng then Devin then Faris then Derek
then dunno why back to hanxuan LOL look like
he the easiest to be kana raped. HAHA
then the girls there laugrhings all the way.
then after that went home with hanxuan telling me the
sec 3 advanture camp ghost stories. damn lame
then went home kana scolding then went to bath and 
started doing my homework I can't believe myself that
I'm doing homework. == just starting to feel bored so took out
my homeworks and do. then finish le then on my laptop
and started bloggin already. going to sleep soon
tml still got school so ByeBye! :DDDDDDDDD

Single Life Rox,
7:51 AM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
♥ I Love You ♥

Suddenly everybody thought I changed my URL or something.
Never mind luh then I back in action again! xD 
Just creating a new blog for myself to write about my life! :D
Last time is because of something so I just deleted it.
Then forget about it so I decided to come back 
and start blogging again! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
These few MONTHS maybe won't be bloggin everyday 
because I need to practice band everyday for SYF ==
then still got school homeworks to do. So if can post will also
post a short one only. ohh ya still got plus tuition... ==
The tuition madness is back again already manxz.
But i decided not to take so much waste money
but my mother asked me without tuition can you cope with 
your studies with band continuing like that?
Then i diam diam already... so no choice but i think i will
try to get rid of E math because Ying2 promised me to teach me
MATHEMATICS. I won't forget that budden she also say she want
to practice everyday so i think no chance already luh... haizz.
Just have to wait until my parents force me to quit band loh.
No choice. My mother tahan from sec1 till now. keep syaing me
forcing me to quit band but I don't want because i learn so much 
already then ask me quit mean wasting my 2 years inside band...
Then I really don't know what to do luh. my father already sent
an e-mail to the band teacher-in-charges and the principle.
I don't know what is going to happen. ==
I want to continue band and work hard for my studies but it seems like
I cannot cope well yet. I think. I hope that I can score well for Mid-year...
Then i can prove to my parents that I can do well without tuitions.
But i not sure whether i can do it anot ==
So thats all for today i think. stil have chinese hw nvr do tmd. == 
so byebye! :D

Single Life Rox,
5:23 AM

♥ Disclaimer ♥

Welcome To ♥Mens-are-whatever.blogspot.com ♥

Love Me? Continue to enjoy your stay!♥ :D
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO!

the bestest of all..

Hey, there's nothing wrong with my name.
I'm the only witness and the only person who can judge my life.
This is my blog so Click Here if you hate it.

My Wishes♥
present day please..

Go around the world.
Curl my ponytail♥
Play better in my instrument.HORN!♥
Own a French Horn Badge♥
Go to New York again!♥

To Do List ♥
so many important stuff..

♥ Don't be so childish already.
♥ Time to be serious, be serious.
♥ Improve your playing in Horn please, you SUCK BIG TIME.

my dar-linkies...

&- Click Here for links! ♥ (:

You add me I will add you back.


My Chatterbox♥
Scream scream scream..

No spamming please, spamming is such a childish thing to do.

tick-tock tick-tock..

My Song♥
Listen listen listen..